I have been back at work for 7 months now and there are a lot of things I have learned about working from home with a baby! First of all, we are lucky enough to have the support of my and my husband's mom during most days of the work week, so I am going to split this topic into two posts:
This post will be focusing on the one day of the week that we have no help.
The next post will be focused on the 4 days of the week when we have at-home help.
So let's get started!
Tuesdays are the one day of the work week where we do not have any help. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of planning, deep breathing, communication, and understanding; not only on our part but also on the part of the companies we work for. While we both have flexible work hours and understanding bosses, there are definitely times when the stars do not align and we both have meetings or our daughter just needs our attention when we have a project that has a quick deadline.
Preparation for Tuesdays actually start on the weekend. I make sure that:
we have plenty of leftovers so that neither of us have to cook on that day for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I also know in the back of my mind that these are the days when convenience triumphs over optimal nutrition and we might eat more frozen or premade foods than usual; and that's 100% ok!
there are no major chores that need to be done (like laundry, a pile of dishes in the sink, etc). It is either done on Monday when we have help or it waits until we can get to it later in the week. This is also 100% ok!
As Monday rolls around, I try to squeeze a little extra work in during the day and sometimes after our daughter goes to bed so that there is nothing pressing first thing in the morning when she typically needs our attention the most.
Finally, it's Tuesday morning and we all get up and head to the kitchen to start our day.
I will typically log on a little early, to get through emails before my husband goes to work (he typically starts later than I do).
We all have breakfast together, usually toast or cereal because it's quick and easy.
After breakfast, my husband takes the little one and plays with her while I tidy the kitchen from breakfast.
We then trade off and I take the little one to cuddle and play before her first nap of the day usually around 9 or 9:30 am.
Eventually, nap time comes around and now both of us can focus on work.
NOTE: The funny thing is that if there are ever short naps for the week, they usually fall on Tuesdays! Of course they do, right?!
After a nap in her crib (we hope it lasts at least an hour to 90 minutes...), I watch her again for awhile until my husband comes downstairs to take her for a little while before lunch.
We all then eat lunch together. This is typically leftovers that are reheated in the microwave.
After lunch, either I or my husband take her depending on who has meetings.
Then, around 2pm is the second nap, for which I usually take her and put her to sleep. Again, we hope for another 60 to 90 minute nap and we power through as much work as we can!
After nap, it is time for play and working at the same time.
We finally make it to 5pm, close our computers and sit down for dinner (usually more leftovers, take out, or good 'ole chips and hummus/guacamole)
We then continue to play with little one until we finally see a few eye rubs and yawns, usually around 6/6:30pm.
Then, we start the bedtime routine and can finally relax by 7/7:30 pm and watch something lighthearted/funny.
Just writing this routine is exhausting, but it definitely works for us. It is a routine that we have molded over the last several months through trial and plenty of errors. I wanted to share this with you because I know so many parents are working from home these days and having kids, especially babies thrown into the mix can definitely be overwhelming! To all you parents out there at home all the time with your kiddos, I see you! You are doing the best you can and you are making it work the best way you know how. Keep your head held high because one day, your kids will understand everything you have done for them and how crazy this past year has been.
Come chat with me on IG! I share inspiration and tips on healthy eating for busy moms, plus I have recently become a 4th Trimester Fitness Instructor! Awesome resources for supporting your body during pregnancy and after baby is born.